Museo Vito Mele - Museo Salento Museo Vito Mele - Museo Salento
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Arte e Scultura nel Salanto - Museo  Mele - Museo Salento

  Presentazioni : Museo Vito Mele  

Vito Mele was born in Presicce in 1942. Self-taught, he developed over time an artistic sensibility which has sustained him throughout a life not
always easy. It is his lifelong love of art which is at the origin of this museum.
Like many Salentines, he was obliged to leave home in search of better fortune in the north. At 16 he moved to Milan, where he lives to this day
at Garbagnate. Here he began to work in foundries casting works of art, going on to specialise in the minting of medals, and holding positions of
responsibility in this sector. Thus he got to know the artists who encouraged him in his own creative endeavours.
After attending painting classes at the Castello Sforzesco he began to put on exhibitions which were viewed favourably by both the public and
critics. His growing number of contacts with artists enabled him to acquire the works which form the nucleus of this museum.
His is a life’s work pursued over the years with single-minded determination and passion, almost to the point of obsession. His dream of a lifetime
is finally realised with the opening of this museum at the Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Leuca, which offers visitors an overview of sculpture from the
end of the 19th century to the present day. It is significant to find amongst the internationally renowned the work of Salentine artists who may, thanks
to this museum, reach a wider audience. This is one more reason for commending Vito Mele’s achievement.
I must underline the fact that it is his vision that has made possible a museum which draws and fascinates visitors and which will surely, in time,
be further enriched with new works.

Nicola Cesari




Other presentation of :

- Vito De Grisantis

- Monsignor Giuseppe Stendardo

- Nicola Cesari

- Vito Mele

- Giorgio Seveso